Your Summer HVAC Checklist


In Austin, the summer temperatures can exceed 100 degrees, with averages being in the mid-90s. No matter how long you've been in Texas, these summers can still do a number on you, especially if your HVAC system breaks down on you.

If you own a business, a broken AC unit is simply unacceptable, especially if you get lots of customers on the premises. In the sweltering heat, your employees can suffer as well.

So before the really hot temperatures start arriving, go through this HVAC checklist. That way, you'll be prepared for the rising temperatures!

1. Check Your Air Filters

One of the things you should always do is check your air filters. These are what keep your HVAC unit running smoothly and efficiently. Plus, they're easy and cheap to replace, so why not perform this type of maintenance?

Ideally, you should be checking your air filters once a month. When you take them out, hold them up to the light.

If no light passes through, this means you need to put some new ones in. Typically, it'll take 3 to 6 months before you need a replacement, but this length might be shortened if your HVAC system's been hard at work.

You might think you're spending more money by changing your air filters regularly, but the reality is, you'll actually reduce your energy consumption by up to 15%! So you'll end up saving money in the long run.

2. Reprogram Your Thermostat

As we come out of the cooler temperatures and see the mercury rise, you'll want to reprogram your thermostat accordingly so everyone inside your establishment can stay comfortable.

Switch the thermostat to a program that's more suitable for summer, or do it manually if you prefer. Double-check that it's the most energy-efficient option so you can keep your utility bills as low as possible.

Once you've programmed your thermostat, check that it actually switches to your new settings and isn't stuck on the old ones. If it's broken and it's not cooling your business the way you want it to, what you need is an HVAC expert to come take a look.

3. Check the Drip Pan and Drain Lines

This is very important to do not only before summer, but all throughout the year.

Sometimes, clogs can happen, which can decrease the efficiency of your HVAC unit. Not only that, but it can also cause mold and mildew to grow in your business. Not to mention, it can also shorten the lifespan of your HVAC system through damage.

Ensure that both the drip pan and drain lines are emptying. If you see anything causing a blockage, remove it as soon as possible to keep things running smoothly.

4. Check the Fan and Its Motor

The fan is key to pumping cold air into your business. Over time, the fan can get bent out of shape, especially if your HVAC unit is outside.

As part of the HVAC checklist, you should inspect the fan carefully to see if it's been damaged. If so, you'll need to have a professional replace it.

The motor will be harder to check on your own, but check to see if it's operating normally. If there are strange sounds, again, call a pro to come take a look.

5. Clean the Condenser and Evaporator Coils

The condenser and evaporator coils are what keep the hot air out and the cold air in. As you can tell, these are very important parts that need to remain in working order to keep your business nice and cool throughout the summer.

A great way to help your HVAC unit along is to clean these parts. If your unit is outside, start by clearing away all debris (try using a coil brush if there are hard-to-reach pieces).

You can then spray foaming condenser coil cleaner onto the coil and leave it on for as long as the instruction says. Then, rinse off the foam with a hose.

6. Get Preventative Maintenance Done

The key to having a working HVAC system is to get regular preventative maintenance. You should be scheduling these appointments roughly once a year, maybe more if you use your system often.

Professionals (such as those from G&S Mechanical) can thoroughly inspect your HVAC system to make sure it's running fine. For example, we'll take a look at the compressor, control box, blowers, and belts, as well as clean some of these parts out. This will give us a chance to detect small issues before they snowball into bigger, more expensive and time-consuming problems to fix.

They can also take care of the maintenance tasks from above if you don't want to do it yourself.

Preventative maintenance is also an investment for your business. Keeping things in check will help prolong the lifespan of your HVAC system and keep it running efficiently. This means lower utility bills and overhead!

You might still be wondering why you need a pro if you have some knowledge of HVAC systems. These experts can come up with a personalized maintenance plan and use their sharp eyes to keep your units in fantastic shape, all throughout the year. They can come during all seasons, not just summer.

7. Use This HVAC Checklist to Make Sure Your Business Is OK

With this HVAC checklist, you'll be able to ensure that your AC is in working condition to better serve both your employees and customers.

And if you realize that anything's wrong, you'll be able to get HVAC repair promptly. That will give you peace of mind that you can run your business smoothly and keep everyone happy.

When you need an expert, turn to G&S Mechanical. We're available 7 days a week, so get in touch with us now if you need HVAC maintenance or repair!


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