How Much Does Air Conditioning Repair Service Cost?

Have there been any weird signs lately that your AC unit is in need of repairs? We're in the peak of summer here in Texas, so temperatures are on the rise to a brutal high.

During this time, it's understandable to use your AC unit more. But without proper maintenance, your AC unit might break down or need repairs.

If you're searching for air conditioning repair services near you, we here at Austin G&S Mechanical have you covered. Keep reading for more information on AC unit repair costs and maintenance.

How to Know If Your AC Unit Needs Repairs

Are you wondering if your air conditioning unit needs repairs? Sometimes, AC units may just need a little bit of maintenance, especially if you've had them for multiple years.

There are a few simple and quick fixes you can do in this situation, which we'll highlight later on in this article. For now, we'll determine if your AC unit needs repairs or not.

Here are some common signs that indicate your AC unit is in need of repairs.

Making Weird Noises

AC units normally make a faint, constant noise. This is completely ordinary so long as the machine sounds like it's working properly. The sound varies depending on what type of unit you have, but it's usually a slight humming sound.

If your AC unit is making only this noise, chances are it's working fine. But this is where you need to pay attention to other noises you might hear.

Crashing, slamming, grinding, squeaking, and rattling are not normal sounds that should come from a properly working AC unit. If you hear any of these noises, we recommend turning your AC unit off and doing an inspection of it. Make sure there is nothing obstructing the gears or fans, and take the opportunity to oil them up as well.

Higher Energy Bill

Your bill might rise during peak moments of heat such as summer and spring, which is totally normal. Summertime is actually when so many AC units break down from overuse.

If you're just using it to beat the heat and your energy bill went up a couple of dollars, it's generally no worry.

However, a substantially higher energy bill is a good indication of a unit that needs repairs. Extremely high energy bills might show that your AC unit is working harder than it needs to.

An AC unit that works harder is usually doing so because there's something wrong with the unit. 

Changes in Air Quality

Have you or those in your home or building been suffering from reduced air quality? If you're unsure what that entails, poor air quality leads to allergies, congestion, wheezing, and other respiratory systems.

Most of the time, this happens because your AC unit's filters are left unchanged for too long. This is why it's always a good idea to replace your filters during their necessary times. 

For cheaper and basic filters, replacements should happen every 2-3 weeks. More expensive and high-quality filters probably won't need replacements for a couple of months.

These were just three of the usual signs that your system needs repairs. There are many more, but that comes from knowing your HVAC unit in general. 

Let's take a quick look at what that means,

Get to Know Your HVAC System

Did you know that your AC unit is just one part of a bigger system called the HVAC system? Unsurprisingly, the AC part of the acronym just means air conditioning.

The other two units in the system are heating and ventilation. These two units might come included with your AC unit, or might be separate. 

One of the fundamental rules of keeping up with your HVAC system is knowing what kind of system your home or building has. Listed below are the most common ones.

  1. Split AC Units: You've most likely seen these before. They're the little AC units that show up outside of a window. Split just means that there is one part outside and one part inside, connected by copper tubing in between.

  2. Packaged AC Units: Pretty much the same thing as split units, except everything is combined into one unit. These are those huge boxes you see outside of houses and on top of buildings.

Alongside knowing your HVAC system, you should know how to maintain your AC unit. This helps with preventing damage, as well as keeping money in your pocket. 

Maintenance for A/C Units

How to maintain your AC unit ultimately depends on a few factors. These factors include what type of unit you have, how old it is, and how often it is used.

Newer units, quite obviously, won't need the same amount of maintenance as an older one might. But that doesn't mean maintenance should be neglected.

All AC units should be subjected to some type of routine maintenance, whether it's done by you or a professional. Here are some maintenance tips you can do to prevent AC unit repair:

  • Remove any trash or debris stuck in or around your system

  • Make sure all labels and bolts are tightly secured in the right place

  • Lubricate gears and motors

  • Replace refrigerant (the substance that cools the air)

But even with maintenance, your AC unit still might need repairs. If this is the case, let's see what the cost of AC repair services is.

Air Conditioning Repair Cost

The overall cost of air condition repair will depend on your type of unit. Before calling for an estimate, be sure you know which type of AC unit you have so that you can get the best estimate.

With that being said, prices for AC unit repair range from about $160-$600. This price also fluctuates depending on how much damage your AC unit has sustained, and where you are located. 

At Austin G&S Mechanical, we're prepared to give you the best price on the market. We even offer financing options for new systems if it's determined that replacement would be better for your system than repairs.

Schedule Your Repair With the Right Company

So if you're on the market for air conditioning repair, you should consider giving us here at Austing G&S Mechanical a shot. Our technicians are some of the most certified experts in their field. 

Aside from AC unit repair, we can even do heating repairs, thermostat repairs, installations, and much more. We're you're go-to for any of your HVAC-related needs. 

We have locations all over Texas, so we invite you to consider us even if you're not located in Austin. To receive more information about AC unit repairs or get an estimate, please visit our contact page


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