Keeping It Cool: 14 Benefits of an Early Spring AC Checkup

filling air conditioner with freon

Temperatures in Texas can reach up to 110 degrees in the summer. And sadly, many Texans are not prepared for this weather. Luckily if you're reading this article, you'll learn how to prepare for these hot summer months.

And it all starts with having your AC checkup. Aside from having cool air, there are also other benefits of getting an AC checkup. Keep reading so you can be prepared for the upcoming summer months.

When to Get an AC Checkup?

Before we start getting into benefits, let's first discuss the best checkup times. And for many homeowners, the best time to get an AC checkup is in the spring.

During this time, temperatures begin to rise. Therefore, AC technicians can have a better look at how your AC unit is performing. 

Also during the spring, many homeowners turn off their heating and cooling since temperatures are not as extreme. It's best to have a check during this dormancy period so that you're not left with any surprises once summer hits.

1. Save Money for Other Home Repairs

When you get your AC tuned up regularly, you'll save some money. So if you've been wanting to re-paint your home, or fix other issues, you can use the money you saved on not having to get AC repairs.

2. Fewer Leaks and Foundation Problems in Your Home

Older AC units that have not been properly maintained tend to leak a lot. The leak can move into your home causing problems in your basement or flooring. 

It's best to get your AC checked once a year to avoid leaks. Not doing so will lead to other problems in your home which can cost you thousands.

3. Fewer Repairs Down the Road

Many homeowners make the mistake of waiting until summer to have their AC checkup. But by this time, the AC unit is already having problems, so getting an early spring AC checkup is better. This way you don't have to be without AC in the hotter summer months.

4. Become More Energy Efficient

Getting an AC tune-up can help your system become more energy efficient. As time goes on, your AC unit will start to wear down. Therefore, it will work twice as hard to produce cold air.

When this happens, it can cause your energy bills to skyrocket. Luckily, getting early maintenance will reduce the wear, especially in the summer when your AC runs more.

5. Increase the Lifespan

One of the best benefits of an AC checkup is that it will increase the life of the unit exponentially. On average, AC units that are not regularly served can work for 5 to 9 years.

However, by doing regular spring maintenance, your AC can work for 10 to 16 years. So you are saving money on future AC replacements which can be very expensive.

6. Improve Cool Air Quality

Texas has some of the most brutal summers. Temperatures can reach up to 105 degrees and the humidity makes it worse. And if you don't have a well-maintained AC, then the summer months will be horrible.

But a well-maintained AC will run better and have cooler air. Therefore, even with the heat and humidity, your AC will still perform at its best.

7. Help Jumpstart the System

During the colder months, most people do not use their AC. During this time, the unit can accumulate dust, debris, and even pests.

Luckily, one of the best benefits of an AC tuneup is that an expert can check for any build-up and tune up any parts that were affected by any free radicals. Overall, an early spring AC checkup is the best way to jumpstart your AC after a period of dormancy. 

8. Reduce Allergies in the Home

Homeowners who don't get regular AC tuneups can become more susceptible to allergies because their AC unit has dust.

Therefore, the air that is being filtered through moves all these particles inside the home. And even with a good filter, the air can still be tainted with particles. But you can improve air quality by keeping a clean filter and getting regular AC tune-ups.

9. Reduce Unwanted Smells

As an AC unit gets older, it may start producing weird smells. This usually happens when the parts start to deteriorate and rust.

However, by getting an AC tune-up regularly, these parts will be slower to rust. Therefore, you won't have these unwanted and strong smells in your home.

10. Flexible Schedules

Many homeowners wait until the last minute to get their AC checkups, but AC services are extremely busy in the summer months. So much so that you might not even get an appointment until late summer or early fall. 

And this can be frustrating, especially if you're AC isn't working at its best. So to save yourself from this trouble, get an early spring AC checkup instead.

Doing a check-up during the slower months will guarantee you a spot.
This is important, especially if you're AC ends up needing larger repairs.

Not to mention, you may even get promotional deals during this time. In fact, a lot of HVAC companies like to reward their early customers.

11. Recommended by the EPA

The EPA specializes in energy and homeowner programs. They highly recommend homeowners to get early AC checks up.

They are not associated with any AC companies, so they do not get anything from telling homeowners to get yearly checks ups.

12. Increase Your Safety

While your AC is dormant, a lot of issues can arise. These issues can lead to electrical hazards. And if not handled properly, they can put you at risk of a malfunction or a fire.

It's very important to get regular AC tune-ups so that these issues can be addressed. But more importantly, it's best to have a tune-up in the spring. This way, any issues can be fixed before you start using your AC in the summer. 

13. Save On Replacement Parts

Those who do not regularly maintain their AC will have many repairs down the road. And although the whole system may not need to be replaced, the parts will.

Some AC parts can cost just as much as whole units! Not to mention, the labor costs can be expensive too. So it's always best to get your unit checked to avoid these costly repairs.

14. Other Benefits of an AC Check-Up

Getting an AC check-up regularly can help you save hundreds on repairs and new systems. But these benefits can also help you lower your monthly utility costs as well.

So overall, the benefits of getting regular AC tune-ups are undeniable. But if you're still not convinced, here are some other benefits of getting an AC tune-up:

  • Less noise when AC is operating

  • Cooler air

  • Better airflow

  • Increase home value

As you can see, AC tune-ups have health and financial benefits. So save yourself some time and money and start getting early spring AC checkups. 

FAQs about AC Tuneups

You may still have questions about early spring AC checkups, so we've compiled a list of FAQs! Keep reading so you can be even more informed.

How Long Does an AC Tune-Up Take?

The time it takes to fully tune up an AC does vary. There are factors to consider like the AC type, size, and also the state of the unit. But on average, most AC checkups take about 40 to 60 minutes. 

Do I Need to Be Home During a Tune-Up?

Yes, it's best to be home during these appointments. This way, your technician can speak to you about their diagnosis. Also, a technician may need to enter your home to check the filtration and indoor unit. 

Will Changing the Filter Fix My Air Quality?

In some cases, the air quality does enhance after changing the air filter. However, if you've already done this step and see no improvement, then you will need a professional.

Unfortunately, there may be a bigger issue that needs addressing. And this issue may be unrelated to the air filter. 

What's the Difference Between a Heating vs AC Checkup?

Many homeowners get confused when they hear heating and AC tune-ups. And although these systems work together, they require different maintenance.

For starters, an AC unit should get checked during early spring. And a heating unit should get checked during late summer or early fall. If you follow these tips, then you'll have great heating during winter and also cool air during the summer.

Get an AC Checkup Today

Now that you know the benefits of an AC checkup, then you can start saving money on unnecessary repairs! And hopefully, you can be the early worm and not have to wait weeks for an appointment.

So contact us today and schedule an AC checkup. Your future self will thank you!


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